Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been trying way too long....

right now i'm with this guy. hes amazing really. he's my opposite. the black to my white, ying to my yang. and we have fun. but he has some skeletons in his closet that he swore would never come out. but within a months time they've shown themselves twice. truth be told... he has a problem with the pipe and i'm sick of it. when we first started dating, i told him that i didnt want that shit around and he said he wouldnt and i believed him... stupid me huh.

first time it happened is when i let him hangout with his douchebag friend that has no life or future for that matter. anyway he comes in at 3 in the morning twacked out of his mind and i throw the biggest fit known to man-kind. and after a bunch of tears and yelling i decide to make the biggest mistake ever and give him the benefit of the doubt when he tells me that nothing like this will ever happen ever again. riiiiiggggghhhhht.

the second and most recent time it happened i noticed his wierd behavior right away. i can pin point it out like nothing so i confront him about it and he says thats not the case. so we're driving in his car and i go to the glove compartment and right away he throws his hand over it and starts screaming about how i always go through his thing blah blah blah. anyway to make the story shorter at the end of the night i end up finding a pipe in his pocket. so then hes there let me explain myself so i let him and he gives me the ol' my friend gave it to me to hold for him speech.

[cough] bullshit [cough]

i honestly dont know why i put up with this whole shit. it hasnt even be a month without him fucking up twice. i love him but honestly i dont love him enough to put up with this shit.